I have been taged my Charis. I think she did this because I have not bloged in a while. Thanks for keeping me on my toes.
1. Name: Chaney Gipson
2. Birthday: August 21, 1980
3. Birthplace: Abilene Texas
4. Eye Color: brown
5. Hair Color: brownish blond.
6. Height: 5'9"
7. Ethnicity: Anglo… I think my ancestors were of German descent and some Indian on my mom's side.
8. Weakness: Sleep, I love to sleep, but that really changes when you have a little one.
9. Most missed memory: I miss college. I miss all of my girl friends, and bein in the "bubble"
10. Thoughts first waking up: Since being a mom… “No! Let me sleep longer.”
11. Last time you cried: When my mom left, after Maddison was born, I was so scared
12. Song title that currently says how you feel: lost in the moment with you, i am completely comsumed, my feelings so absolute, there's no doubt, sealing our love with a kiss, waited my whole life for this, waited my whole life for this, lost in this moment with you. (big and rich)
13. What is the perfect day for you: Getting up with Maddison around 7:30 in a warm house, with snow on the ground. (won't be long)
14. Ever been asked for an autograph? No,
15. How do you vent anger? I usually take them out on Jason.
16. Who do you talk to most on the phone? Mom, Dad, Jason
17. As a kid, were you a lego builder? No, but I liked to destroy what my brother built.
18. Do you chew on your straws? Nope
19. Do you sing in the shower? No
20. Who's the last person you stayed up late talking to on the phone to? Mom, or Dad, depends who calls.
21. The last place you went to in a plane? It has been so long I do not remember
22. Do you cry at weddings? Depends how well I know the person, usually no
23. Are you afraid of the dark? Only when Jason is on call and not at home
24. What are you addicted to? Recently the bachelor ( I am so mad he did not choose Jenni)
25. Crunchy or creamy peanut butter? Crunchy
26. Who do you fight with the most? Not many fights happen around here
27. Who can you tell anything to? Jason and Mom
28. Do you recycle? No
29. Who makes you laugh the most? Jason, Mom and my Aunt Cathy, Dana and Granny when we all get together.
30. What is the worst feeling ever? that someone is in your house and it is only myself and Maddi, in the other room
31. How many pillows do you sleep with? One, now that I am not pregnant amymore.
32. How many rings before you answer your phone? Depends who it is
33. How many times do you press the "snooze" button? I don’t have an alarm these days. I just wake up when Maddison does.
34. How do you sleep? Side
35. Last time you laughed: I laugh everyday.
36. Ever looked at someone ugly and said "EWWW"? Yes, I am really bad about making fun of people.
37. What is your favorite color? Orange
38. What is your favorite state? TEXAS!!
I guess the thing to do now is pass this on. I tag Kyla Muns and Leslie Thomas. I know yall have nothing else to do but this. Love you girls.