Sunday, December 30, 2007

Lots of Christmas Pictures!

Christmas in Abilene was so much fun. Everyone on my mom's side of the family was there except for Taylor. He was in Florida for the bowl game. T we missed you and good luck in the game. This year was especially special for Jason and I because this was our year to get a quilt. My very talented grandmother started making quilts several years ago starting with the oldest child working the way down through the family. We get to pick out the pattern and the material, but don't get to see it while in the process, only when complete. There is a picture of it on here, but let me tell you the photo dosen't do it justice. It is amazing!!! Maddi got her first UT book! (what have we started?)

We are going skiiing this next week so Britlyn, and Delaney (my nieces) got a lot of ski gear. We are going to have a blast. The girls big gift this year were dolls that look like them, with matching outfits.They are really cute.

Christmas was a lot of fun with a little one in the house. We had Christmas with Jason's family on Wednesday the week before. Then we headed to Abilene to spend several days with my parents and a great time celebrating the holiday. Maddison was a very good girl, she got a lot of great gifts.

Santa came to Granny Ga and T-Paw's house for the first time in a long time. Maddi got a variety of gifts, PJ's, sippy cup, toys, Uggs, tights, socks, a plate with her initial on it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Early Christmas!!

Maddison got an early Christmas gift. A highchair, thanks to granny Ga and T-Paw. We (at least I do) love it. It is so nice to feed Maddi like a normal child, instead of in her pod on the kitchen table. I really like it because it so different from any other chair. Thanks again!

Interview Roadtrip

I really feel like we have been around the world and back. Traveling with a five month old really makes traveling a bit difficult. Jason had three interviews for residency so we decided to make a family trip out of it. We left last Monday, flew to love field and then drove to Waco. After the interview on Tuesday we got in the car and drove to San Antonio to stay with Dana, Kent, Chris and Mikayla. Wednesday we got up went down to the River Walk, ate lunch, shoped a little, then back in the car heading for Corpus. Interviewed in Corpus on Thursday and headed for Austin to see college friends. Thanks to Eric, and the Hise family for a great bed for the night. We then headed to Keller to stay with Brittany and Zane for the weekend. Sunday we headed to Tyler for the final interview. After the interview it was back to love field to fly home. Our little rent car was great taking us 1300 miles. Thank goodness Maddison like to ride in the car. She did great!! Only got a little fussy in the middle of Austin traffic, but nothing a bottle could not cure. Here are some pictures, Enjoy!!
Maddison did so well on her first plane ride! She was out by the time we were in the air and sleept the whole time.
From San Antonio we made the drive to Corpus. We stayed in a really nice hotel and had a very nice dinner on the top floor. The highlight on this trip for me was that I got to see my friend Aleisha. She is pregnate and due any day now. She is so cute and going to be a great mom. We went to lunch together while Jason was interviewing. Thanks Aleisha for the time together, it was so much fun to catch up. Maddison having "dinner" at the Omnie.
This is the view from our room. Right at sunset the sailboats were headed out!
Friday and Saturday night we stayed with Brittany and Zane. It was so good to see then and finally get to meet Maddison. We had a fun relaxing time in Keller. We ordered Chilis on Friday night, slept in on Saturday then Britt, Maddi and I went over to Southlake to hit a few stores. Sunday we went to church with them and most imprtantly watched to Cowboys game. Then we hit the road for the last time for Tyler. Thank you Zane and Brittany for the hospitality and wonderful company. This is the cute outfit that Britt gave Maddi.
Bath time in the kitchen sink.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Once Again

As you can see it has been a while. I really do not have an excuse, just lazy. I will just play catch up for a bit. Most of Jason's family is here in Amarillo and we had a wonderful Thanksgiving at our house. It was great to actually spend some quality time with everyone. The day after, Jason and I got out all of our Christmas decor. I was prego and working last year, therefore we did not put up a tree because we never found the time. This was the first year in like ten years that I did not have to work the day after Thanksgiving. It was so nice to relax and start getting in the spirit of the holiday. I am sad that we missed out on the snow in Abilene. Usually it is us who is getting to enjoy the snow before the people in A-town. Things are good around the Gipson home. Jason is COMPLETELY OFF until February. Yes that is correct, during the last year of med school the students get three months off and just happened that two of the months are back to back. (I am sure Maddi and I will be ready for him to be back at work. haha) Not having to be on a school schedule does not mean that you get out of the interview process. Saying that, we leave in the morning on an eight day long, three interview trip. This will be very interesting flying and driving across the state with a 5 month old. I will let you know how it goes.
My mom came up this weekend and we did a whole lot of NOTHING!! I really do not know why she brought so many changes of clothing because Saturday all we did was play with Maddison and watch football. It is always fun when my mom comes up because I cry everythime she leaves. I miss so much getting to see my parents on a regular basis and am so jealous they get to see my brother and his family so often. I am counting down the days when Jason, Maddi and I get to see them more often. I love my mom and dad so much and I know that I do not tell them enough.
Maddi is getting to where she always wants what is in your hands. In this case it was the camera and she is coming after it.
Pictuer time has come to an end!!
Maddi loves to help dad with the laundry!!

Thanks to Aunt Cathy for the WARM and STYLISH cap!
It finally is starting to get cold and Jason thought he would bundle Maddi up and give her a taste of the cool air.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I have been taged!!

I have been taged my Charis. I think she did this because I have not bloged in a while. Thanks for keeping me on my toes.

1. Name: Chaney Gipson

2. Birthday: August 21, 1980

3. Birthplace: Abilene Texas

4. Eye Color: brown
5. Hair Color: brownish blond.

6. Height: 5'9"

7. Ethnicity: Anglo… I think my ancestors were of German descent and some Indian on my mom's side.
8. Weakness: Sleep, I love to sleep, but that really changes when you have a little one.

9. Most missed memory: I miss college. I miss all of my girl friends, and bein in the "bubble"

10. Thoughts first waking up: Since being a mom… “No! Let me sleep longer.”

11. Last time you cried: When my mom left, after Maddison was born, I was so scared
12. Song title that currently says how you feel: lost in the moment with you, i am completely comsumed, my feelings so absolute, there's no doubt, sealing our love with a kiss, waited my whole life for this, waited my whole life for this, lost in this moment with you. (big and rich)

13. What is the perfect day for you: Getting up with Maddison around 7:30 in a warm house, with snow on the ground. (won't be long)
14. Ever been asked for an autograph? No,

15. How do you vent anger? I usually take them out on Jason.

16. Who do you talk to most on the phone? Mom, Dad, Jason

17. As a kid, were you a lego builder? No, but I liked to destroy what my brother built.

18. Do you chew on your straws? Nope
19. Do you sing in the shower? No

20. Who's the last person you stayed up late talking to on the phone to? Mom, or Dad, depends who calls.

21. The last place you went to in a plane? It has been so long I do not remember

22. Do you cry at weddings? Depends how well I know the person, usually no

23. Are you afraid of the dark? Only when Jason is on call and not at home

24. What are you addicted to? Recently the bachelor ( I am so mad he did not choose Jenni)

25. Crunchy or creamy peanut butter? Crunchy

26. Who do you fight with the most? Not many fights happen around here

27. Who can you tell anything to? Jason and Mom

28. Do you recycle? No

29. Who makes you laugh the most? Jason, Mom and my Aunt Cathy, Dana and Granny when we all get together.

30. What is the worst feeling ever? that someone is in your house and it is only myself and Maddi, in the other room

31. How many pillows do you sleep with? One, now that I am not pregnant amymore.
32. How many rings before you answer your phone? Depends who it is

33. How many times do you press the "snooze" button? I don’t have an alarm these days. I just wake up when Maddison does.
34. How do you sleep? Side

35. Last time you laughed: I laugh everyday.

36. Ever looked at someone ugly and said "EWWW"? Yes, I am really bad about making fun of people.

37. What is your favorite color? Orange

38. What is your favorite state? TEXAS!!

I guess the thing to do now is pass this on. I tag Kyla Muns and Leslie Thomas. I know yall have nothing else to do but this. Love you girls.

Friday, November 9, 2007

4 Months

Wow! How time flys when you are having fun!!!! It is hard to believe that Maddi is already four months old. She is getting so big and learning new things all the time. Outfits are always so wet at the end of the day that I had to find some "cute" bibs for her to wear all the time. We go to the doctor on Monday and I am not looking forward to that at all. ENJOY!
I had no clue she is ready to run around the block!!

The other night when I was feeding her cereal. She was fussy and so tired. She found her thumb and was gone, right there in the chair. It was too funny.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

80, Solids, TTU

Since it has been a while, I have finally found he time to sit down and update the blog. Everything started two weekends ago when the entire Gipson family traveled to Lubbock to watch the TTU-Colorado game. The company was great, but the game not so much. Then Maddison and I headed to Abilene for PawPaw's 80th birthday party. Jason started a new rotation that is more demanding, so Jason "allowed" Maddi and I to stay in Abilene for the week to attend Delaney's fall festival the next weekend. We had so much fun, with time to relax. It is always nice going to my parents house because Mom is willing to get up with Maddi in the early mornings. It spoils me to get some sleep. Thanks Mom, your the BEST!! Halloween was on Wednesday and Maddi was a cute sweet pea. No trick-or-treating, just a little dress-up. I have pictures but once again the order got messed up.
Starting this week we began rice cereal. Maddi is doing so good. She really already has the motion down on taking in food, so the mess was not too bad. The best part about starting solids is that she slept 11 HOURS last night. That is right when I heard her this morning and looked at the clock, I could not believe my eyes. I thought she would wake up screaming because of hunger but she was smiling away when I walked in to pick her up. Sorry that it has taken so long to catch everyone up. I will try to be better. ENJOY!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Do you notice anything different about Maddison's EARS?
Now that she has her ears pierced she can go without a bow and look like a girl. (Not that she would be seen without a bow) She did so good. Yes she cried a little but nothing like when she got those nasty shots. She looks so cute!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Great Weekend

What a fun weekend! Jason, Maddison and I made the trip to Abilene to attend ACU homecming. We both got to see lots of college friends, and enjoyed every minute of their company. It was really fun to get to see all of the "blog babies" in person. So many people are popping them out!! It was so much fun to let people hold Maddison and hear from poeple seeing her for the first time who they thought she lookes like. Warning, there are lots of pictures and somehow they got out of order. Congradulations Leigh Ann you made the blog!!

Maddison at Granny Ga's office trying to work on the computer!