Saturday, May 31, 2008

Way Behind

Lets start with graduation. It is official Jason is now Dr. Gipson. It seems just like yesterday that we were new in Lubbock and remember thinking that the next four years were goint to go by so slow. Here we are with him about to start residencey and we have a little one. We are so proud of Jason. I know that things have not been easy but he has done so well.

I don't know if I will step foot in this surgeons office. Fun med school friends. Jared, Jo and Matt.


Ashley said...

Hey!! I've tried working with your address thing, but not having much luck. I'll keep trying. When are you guys moving?

annalee said...

congrats doc!

Kyla said...

No, you're not behind. I"M behind! We miss y'all already. :( We are settled into our apartment now and things are good. Once again, we're having trouble finding a place for everything! Guess we need to have another garage sale. Send pics of your new house! Hope to talk to you soon.

Biddy said...

wow...DR Gipson! so cool!

hey, are any of his cute dr friends single!?!?