Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Future Doctor

Just some more pictures from this week. This is our last week to be at home everyday. I will start working two days a week at at Tuesday/Thursday school teaching three year olds. Most of you know that I am not a teacher, so we will see what happens. Maddison's new thing is to play with her doctor kit and listen to her heart beat. She loves to wear this around her neck all around the house. I thought it was so cute how Jason showed her how to put it on her chest and this morning when she was playing with it she did just that. I was quick and caught it with the camera.
A new "play pen"


Kyla said...

Maddison is growing so much! She looks so cute holding that stethoscope to her chest. :) You'll do great teaching those 3 year olds. Don't you worry. I, too, am going to start working in the 1-2s class at church, but it's only on Wed. mornings. Hey- at this point every ten dollars is worth something right? :)

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Sotiris Bassakaopoulos

P.S Have a wonderful Day